We aim for our work at Sunrise Nutrition to be impactful not only to our clients but to our surrounding communities as well. Here are a few opportunities we’ve been graced with to share our voice with a wider audience.
MSG has been demonised for decades. Our Clinical Director, Mindy Lu, along with other food industry experts, speak up in favor of it in an interview with the South China Morning Post.
In early 2020, the COVID pandemic hit the PNW with severe consequences - one of them being increased anxiety about food and body concerns. Our Clinical Director, Mindy Lu was featured in The Seattle Times, discussing food and body anxieties related to the COVID pandemic.
As a first generation Taiwanese-American, our Clinical Director, Mindy Lu feels passionate about empowering Asian-Americans to cultivate a healthy relationship with food. She speaks to the celebration of identity, hertiage and culture through food with Northwest Asian Weekly.
Originating in Taiwan, boba is a favorite sweet treat around the world. Our Clinical Director, Mindy Lu sat down with GoodRx to discuss how boba can be a part of a positive and healthy relationship with food. She also covers the importance of honoring identity and heritage through what and how we eat.
Who we are and our life experiences shape our relationship with food. Our Clinical Director, Mindy Lu was a featured guest on Can Healthcare Be Everywhere? - a podcast produced by Empass. She covers the restrict-binge cycle, ways to break out of it and throws down some knowledge on the intersection of race and food.
Dancers are especially susceptible to stress and anxiety around food and body image. Our Clinical Director, Mindy Lu addresses food and body inclusivity in the dance community with Dance Wear Center.
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Sunrise Nutrition Seattle