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A Whimsical Feline Guide to Applying the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating for Humans
During my personal experience of pursuing a version of Intuitive Eating, I got creative to endure the discomfort of those tasks. I used my senior cat, named Catt, as an avenue for this by observing his behavior and interpreting the similarities with intuitive eating. I will share my findings here. OK, yes, technically cats and humans are different. However, humans can be blessed by the wisdom and absurdity of pets to learn personal lessons about responsibility, love, acceptance, and loss all the time. Why not use them to internalize the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating?

Why the Body Needs to Be Included in Your Therapy Work
If you’ve spent some time in mental health focused spaces, you may have heard providers emphasizing the importance of ‘somatics’, ‘embodiment’, or ‘the mind-body connection’. As a counselor and dance/movement therapist, I am no stranger to these buzz words but I also recognize that it is difficult to capture the value of this work in a word. Many may find themselves wondering, what are we really talking about when we talk about the Body-Mind Connection?

Honoring 20 Black Leaders in the Field of Eating Disorders, Relationship to Body, and Relationship to Movement
February is entitled Black History Month. While Sunrise Nutrition believes that Black folks and Black history deserve and ought to be honored every month, let’s take some time to reflect on the invaluable contributions Black leaders have made to the intersection of the eating disorder, mental health, nutrition, and body liberation fields.

How do I Support Someone With an Eating Disorder?
A common question we receive from partners, spouses, parents and caregivers is: how can I support my loved one with an eating disorder? Whether your person is in treatment for anorexia, binge eating or bulimia, it is hard to watch them struggle. While most people can certainly lend a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on, maybe you’re looking for more actionable things to do. Here’s a quick list on how you can help your loved one.

Physical Risks of Dieting 101
Our culture has a tendency to romanticize dieting, often leaving out the drawbacks of food restriction. Today, I’ll be stopping by to do a quick overview on the physical risks of dieting.

Food & Healing: What Really Matters
Today I will share some back to basics ideas about healing your relationship with food that are relevant whether you would like to engage with intuitive eating or not. It is important to acknowledge that we are all different and there is not one right way to eat or to heal. For this reason, I have included reflection questions to help clarify your food and eating needs.

Intuitive Eating Isn’t for Everyone: What’s Being Overlooked
Today’s topic is Intuitive Eating (abbreviated IE from here on out). Often held up as the gold standard in the realm of healing one’s relationship with food, there is a lot of buzz about IE. Eating intuitively certainly does offer benefits, and many people find it healing. However, dialogues on IE often gloss over or completely leave out important contextual nuances that might impact a person’s desire or ability to engage with IE. Today we will examine the benefits IE brings to the table, as well as who and what is often overlooked in the IE space.

10 Ways to Break Free From Body Shame
Given the rather grim and abundant nature of body shame, you may be asking yourself, “How could I ever feel better about my body? Will this ever feel different?” The honest answer is that changing your experience in your body, and specifically the experience of shame takes time. We are talking about unpacking and shifting your entire worldview and self perception, which is no small feat. Not to mention that oppressive body dynamics will continue to exist in the world until injustice is addressed.

Body Shame: Exploring the Roots
What is body shame? Existing in a human body is a wild ride. It can be wondrous and enjoyable in some moments, weird at others, and at times downright painful. At some point in life, most of us will encounter body shame. What exactly is body shame, you ask? The Oxford English Dictionary defines shame as “a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.” Synonyms include; humiliation, indignity, and discomfort.

Nutrition Support 101: What you need to know about finding help.
You’ve been thinking about reaching out for professional nutrition support, but aren’t quite sure if it’s for you. Let’s take a look at some signs that professional support might be a helpful next step in your food and body journey.

Body Positivity: A Journey towards Embracing Self-Acceptance & Challenging Fatphobia
The body positivity movement has been gaining momentum in recent years, once again opening up a much-needed conversation about fatphobia, racism, and oppression. Advertisements, social media, the fashion industry, movies and TV shows, sports/athletics, healthcare - We are surrounded by content, protocols, and recommendations that promote negative body image and diet culture.

How to Start Intuitive Eating | Where to Begin & Is It Right For You
Intuitive Eating is a holistic, anti-diet approach to eating that emphasizes listening to your body’s natural needs, including hunger and fullness cues. The primary goal of Intuitive Eating is to cultivate a positive relationship with food that is free from rules and restrictions.

How to Overcome Your Fear of Eating
You’ve decided that you're done with chronic dieting. You’re tired of pinning your self-worth to the number on the scale, and you are physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted from obsessively monitoring what you eat and restricting your food intake. You are ready to move on to a different way of relating to food. Maybe you are not sure where to go from here, and maybe you’re also a little afraid, because you aren’t sure of what eating without restriction or dieting would be like.

Chronic Dieting: Everything You Need to Know!
It may surprise you to learn that dieting is a form of disordered eating, and the most common form at that. Dieting is defined as the restriction of certain foods or quantities of food with the goal of achieving a smaller body.

5 Tips to Recover from Binge Eating Disorder
Let’s talk about Binge Eating Disorder (BED). I’m so glad you’re here, and I want you to know that you are not alone. I repeat: You are not alone. In fact, did you know that BED is the most common eating disorder? This might be surprising since it isn’t as talked about or depicted in pop culture as other eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. BED is also relatively new to the ED diagnoses, as it was added to the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (aka the DSM-5) in 2013.
The Erasure of Native America
Sunrise Nutrition is happy to welcome guest blogger, Jaike SpottedWolf, to share her experience as a Native, the continued trauma and oppression faced by Natives in this country, and the place for Native lives in the current, heightened focus on systemic oppression and racism. Jaike, we welcome your voice!

Boundaries when Working from Home
Boundaries are a super popular topic at Sunrise Nutrition, especially in the context of eating disorders, intuitive eating and body image. We often talk about boundaries with others, ourselves, our relationship with food, movement and our bodies. However, we don’t come across the topic of working from home and boundaries. With so many of us working remotely now, I thought it’d be a nice blog topic to talk about!

Meet Niashay Whitaker, LMHCA
At Sunrise Nutrition, we recognize that a large barrier to communities of color seeking food and body care is the lack of representation in the field. In an effort to make health care more accessible and to put black, indigenous and POC voices in the forefront, we will be featuring healers of color who believe strongly in the power of Health of Every Size. Today, we are featuring Niashay Whitaker, who practices in Tacoma. Read on about her personal journey with her body and how HAES has helped:

Meet Heather Lowrey, LMHC
At Sunrise Nutrition, we recognize that a large barrier to communities of color seeking food and body care is the lack of representation in the field. In an effort to make health care more accessible and to put black, indigenous and POC voices in the forefront, we will be featuring healers of color who believe strongly in the power of Health of Every Size.
Our first feature is Heather Lowrey, MS, LMHC who practices out of Seattle. Read below to meet Heather and learn about why HAES is important in her therapeutic work:

How to Approach Holiday Food
’Tis the season! It’s about that time where I get lots questions about how best to eat for the upcoming celebrations; how to “not cheat on diets,” “stay trim through the holidays,” “beat the holiday bloat,” etc.
Here’s my advice:
Don’t worry about it.