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Caring for Your Summer Skin
Seattle summers are known to be gorgeous and the weather certainly brings us outdoors more. As a result, we spend more time in the sun, exposing our skin to ultraviolet light (UVL) and any toxins that could be floating around in the air. Through exposure to UVL and environmental toxins (they’re called oxidants), your skin becomes damaged through a process called oxidation. In order to prevent or repair the damage, your body will need antioxidants (haha - see what science did there?). Fortunately, there are specific nutrients that act as antioxidants to support and maintain skin health.
Multitasking During Mealtimes Impacts Appetite and Digestion
While humans are not always designed to multitask, we do it anyway, especially when it comes to mealtime. We have all been guilty of snacking in front of the television, having lunch while working and eating dinner while reading or listening to music. While seemingly convenient, it has a large impact on our health and how our body treats hunger and nutrients.